
Oesophagal Cancer: Symptoms, Types, Risk Factors & More

What are the signs and symptoms of oesophagal cancer?

In most cases, people with oesophagal cancer are diagnosed when they start to experience symptoms. It’s hard to know you have the condition if you don’t experience symptoms. According to studies, most people discover they have the condition when testing for other medical concerns. Unfortunately, most cases of oesophagal cancers are not diagnosed until they start to show symptoms. This is usually at a later stage when the condition becomes difficult to treat. People with oesophagal cancer may experience symptoms like:

  • Trouble swallowing
  • Chest pain
  • Hoarseness
  • Weight loss
  • Bone pain (if cancer has spread to the bone)
  • Chronic cough [1]
  • Vomiting
  • Bleeding into the oesophagus: The blood moves through the digestive organs. If your stool is black, it is because of the blood in your digestive tract. This symptom can result in anaemia [2] (low red blood cell levels), which can make you feel weak.

You may experience one or more symptoms. This does not mean you have oesophagal cancer. In most cases, the symptoms are caused by other medical problems. However, it is still important to contact your healthcare provider if you experience any of these symptoms, particularly trouble swallowing. Early diagnosis and treatment guarantee fast recovery.