
CBD for COPD: Does it help?

Types of CBD

Even though there is no concrete research that links CBD to be beneficial for people with COPD, it may still be safe to incorporate CBD into your lifestyle, as it may help with other symptoms.

Here are different methods for taking CBD. However, not all of these methods are safe for use with COPD.

CBD oil

CBD oil [3] is the most common way that people take CBD to treat COPD. You can diffuse CBD oil through a diffuser in your home, which has minimal side effects. But this makes it difficult to control the dosage.

It can also be applied topically to the chest and neck as a way of soothing the symptoms of COPD. The only evidence that this works is purely anecdotal. CBD oil can also be inhaled through a vape pen or vaping device. This delivers the CBD directly into the lungs and bloodstream and also produces a feeling of relaxation. However, vaping itself has side effects such as lung irritation and inflammation due to the hot vapor that may contain other potentially harmful substances. The benefits of vaping CBD oil may not outweigh the possible harm, especially in cases of COPD.

To avoid certain side effects, use products that have a certificate of authenticity so you know that you are getting a clean product, and vapes that have addictive properties.