
6 Common Symptoms of Type-2 Diabetes

Frequent Urination

Excessive urination as a symptom of type 2 diabetes is usually overlooked. However, it should not be since it is one of the obvious first symptoms of diabetes. Frequent urination happens due to the presence of excess sugar or glucose in the blood, and in the case of type 2 diabetes, the kidneys would not be able to handle it all, so they will then have to flush some out of the blood and into the urine. People diagnosed with type 2 diabetes urinate regularly compared to other people.

Blurry Vision

Type 2 diabetes can lead to blurry vision. Blurred eyesight is often one of the first obvious warning signs of diabetes, it could be a transient symptom that develops fast due to elevated blood sugar levels. Sometimes it is not a severe case, and you can treat it by reducing your sugar intake or by taking eye drops, while in other instances, it could be challenging that it should be discussed with a doctor. The lens of the eyes gets inflamed and it affects the sight of patients.