
Some Facts That You Should Know Are about Gout (Gouty Arthritis)

Visible Skin Changes around the Affected Area

The skin around the affected joint may redden, become warm and may show signs of stretching.

Symptoms of Kidney Stones

In people who have uric acid crystals deposited in the urinary tract, they may begin to experience symptoms associated with kidney stones, including painful urination, urgency, hesitancy in passing urine, and so on. This is seen in people with extensive crystal formation and chronic gout cases.

If neglected or left untreated, gout can develop into more serious conditions and can result in serious and extensive damage to other joints and internal organs. Untreated gout usually progresses to damage to joint surfaces, deformities of the limbs and tophi which occur over the olecranon processes, on the Achilles tendons and in the helix of the ear.