
Some Facts That You Should Know Are about Gout (Gouty Arthritis)

Treatments for Gout

Gout symptoms can be managed using Anti-inflammatory medications, pain relief medicines, corticosteroids and adequate bed rest.

To prevent frequent gout attacks, avoid stressful conditions that may trigger attacks, stay away from alcohol, maintain a healthy weight, eat dairy products and cherries, drink lots of water, avoid medications, and foods that trigger attacks. One can also take prescribed gout medications to lower uric acid levels in the body and prevent future gout attacks. People who have close relations suffering from gout can also see a doctor for counseling and preventative measures.

To prevent gout attacks, a drug called Allopurinol is usually recommended as a preventative medication. Other drugs like probenecid, febuxostat, benzbromarone and colchicine can also be used as preventative medications.

Treatment for gout [4] involves the use of several drugs that include;

  • NSAIDs: they are usually the first line of treatment. They are usually given with proton pump inhibitors to avoid gastric side effects. They are not advisable for those with gastrointestinal bleeding, kidney failure or heart failure.
  • Colchicine: this is given to those who cannot be given NSAIDs. The drug is very effective but may interact with drugs like erythromycin if taken together.
  • Steroids: steroids are as effective as NSAIDs in treating gout. However, when they are given to a person with additional joint infection, it could worsen the infection.
  • Interleukin-1 inhibitors: they are given for pain relief and to reduce joint inflammation and swelling. They, however, have many side effects like; headache, back pain and raised blood pressure. They are also very costly.


[1] http://https/

[2] http://https/

[3] http://https/

[4] http://https/