
How to Stop Heart Palpitations?

Reduce Stimulant Intake

Stimulants sometimes alter your heart rate and you may get heart palpitations after using them. What stimulants cause a person’s heart rate to climb is sometimes unique to the individual. You should learn your triggers and avoid them. This can reduce or stop your heart palpitations.

Common stimulants that can trigger heart palpitations include: [4]

  • Caffeinated foods and drinks like coffee and soda
  • Appetite suppressants
  • High blood pressure medications
  • Marijuana
  • Tobacco and tobacco products
  • Cocaine and methamphetamine
  • Cough and cold medications
  • Mental illness medications

Not all the stimulants listed here will apply to you. Know which ones do by studying how you react to them and eliminate those that cause palpitations. If you have palpitations in response to vital medication, you should speak to your doctor instead of cutting it out. They may recommend better alternatives or unique ways to deal with this side effect.