
Cold Sore Causes And Risk Factors

What Causes Activation of Herpes Virus?

The virus wakes up [5] when a person’s immune system weakens. And this can happen for a variety of reasons: hypothermia, overheating, pregnancy, a lot of alcohol, stress, or infectious diseases.

Herpes in a sleeping state [6] is not transmitted. It becomes most contagious when there are blisters and sores on the skin, from which discharge may appear.

After a person has had herpes, the virus remains inactive in the nerve cells under the skin. Therefore, it may appear in the same place in the future. A repeated exacerbation of the disease is provoked by a viral infection or fever, hormonal changes, stress, fatigue, exposure to sunlight and wind, and instability of the immune system.

Activated herpes often accompanies people with HIV infection and AIDS, eczema, severe burns, and those taking chemotherapy and strong medications.

The cause of herpes in winter can be severe hypothermia, vitamin deficiency, lack of movement and fresh air, as well as SARS and flu.

The risk factors [7] for the recurrence of Cold sore are summarized below:

    • various infections;
    • fever;
    • emotional or physical stress;
    • skin irritation (such as sunburn);
    • Eczema [8];
    • hormonal changes;
    • menstruation;
    • severe hypothermia or overheating;
    • various injuries;
    • alcohol and other bad habits.