
Liver Cirrhosis Management and Treatment

Alcohol-related Cirrhosis

In alcohol-related cirrhosis [3], hepatoprotectors are prescribed, which, provided that alcohol is completely abandoned, make it possible not only to stop the progression of cirrhosis but also to reduce the degree of fibrosis.

Metabolic Syndrome & Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFL) [4]

Abiding by dietary regimen and rules while using drug treatment to combat hormonal disorders that can lead to liver damage are also shown to be effective. Reverse development of fibrosis and restoration of the functional and structural state of the liver is possible.

Decompensated Cirrhosis

A patient with liver cirrhosis in the stage of decompensation [5] and the development of complications need dietary, medication, and in some cases, endoscopic and surgical treatment.

Decompensated cirrhosis is characterized by the development of severe complications, the main of which is portal hypertension, i.e., persistent pressure increase in the portal system. This is characterized by splenomegaly (enlargement of the spleen), varicose veins of the esophagus and stomach and bleeding from dilated veins, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity – ascites.

For the treatment of portal hypertension, various groups of drugs are used: vasoconstrictors and vasodilators.

  1. Ascites management: With the development of ascites, 50% of patients live for about 2 years, and only 25-50% of patients who do not respond to drug therapy survive 6 months. The goal of conservative therapy [6] for ascites is to remove accumulated fluid from the body. For this, a special salt-free diet and diuretics are prescribed.
  2. Surgical interventions: If other treatments do no work, a liver transplant [7] (transplant) is performed. Surgical operation at the decompensated stage of the disease is required as a last resort when the liver can no longer perform its functions. A portion of the liver can be taken from a patient’s relative or another person who has consented to this surgery. Surgery is however associated with a lot of risks and the parties involved need to be sensitized on associated risk. This is why this is an alternative used as a last resort in a case where other treatment and management methods have failed or the state of cirrhosis is in advanced and uncompensated stage.