Psoriasis is a severe skin disorder that causes the skin cells to multiply up to 10 times faster than normal. The effect is not pleasing, as the skin build up into bumpy red patches covered with white scales. Psoriasis can grow in any par of the body but must appear on the scalp. This disorder goes beyond just being a skin condition, it affects a lot more than just your skin, psoriasis is not like diabetes, it stays on the skin and is visible to other people, and this is what makes it more difficult to deal with.
Psoriasis can appear to be chronic; it varies in severity from person to person as well as from time to time in a person’s life. At time the flare-ups may be quite mild and not appear visible on the skin, but at other times they are highly visible and stay as a stigma on one’s body. Health conditions that appear visible for other people to see, bring their own set of challenges, since it becomes an everyday part of your life. Having to live with it may take a toll on your mood, your self-confidence, and even affect your relationships. Causing one to feel self-conscious, embarrassed, sad, and helpless.
Most people with the disorder decide to suffer in silence by locking themselves indoor, coping by avoiding to be seen by others. This is not the best approach to psoriasis, and as a matter of fact would only make depression and anxiety worse. Although there is no particular cure for psoriasis, there are things you can do apart from taking medication to manage the symptoms of psoriasis, that would help put you in control of the condition, feeling less emotionally down, and improve your quality of life.
Accept yourself
It is true that this is easier said than done, and can be the hardest part of the disease. However, if you can beat yourself to accept that you have it, you will be able to face it head on mentally, putting you in more control over your emotions. Some tips to help you deal with it mentally and accept that you have it, you first have to change how you view the disease by bringing yourself to understand that it is not as a result of something wrong with you. Instead it’s a simple malfunction in the immune system.
Understand that your body is trying to cope as best as it can and if you don’t stay strong, you would only slow it down. Try to treat yourself with love, say to yourself that there the disease does not make you, and feel free to walk around.