
Signs & Symptoms of Shingles

Ramsey Hunt Syndrome/ Auditory Canal Herpes Zoster/ Shingles on the Face

Ramsey-Hunt syndrome [4] is characterized by a red, painful rash in the ears or mouth and facial paralysis (such as the eyelid or mouth) on one side of the face [5]. Symptoms such as ear pain, dizziness, dry eyes, changes in taste may occur.

Shingles typically manifest on one side of the back or stomach, but rash can as well develop on one side of the face. If the rash is near/too close to your ear (or in your ear) it can lead to an infection that may cause permanent hearing loss, balance problems, and facial muscle weakness. Shingles can be very painful when inside the mouth. It can be hard to eat and it can influence your sense of taste. Shingles on the scalp without treatment can lead to permanent bald patches.