
How Does Retinol Work for Skin? Common Facts to Know

Retinols for wrinkles

Tretinoin was the first retinoid to be legalized by the FDA to treat wrinkles. They work by increasing the formation of fresh collagen. They also increase new blood vessels in the skin, giving skin a rosy appearance, reducing age spots, and reducing precancerous skin spots known as actinic keratosis.

Tretinoin can also be used to prevent or reduce the adverse effect of ultraviolet radiation. Over-the-counter retinol may not work well like retinol in treating wrinkles, but they can improve the appearance of sun-damaged skin.

You can use retinol with products that have alpha-hydroxy acids that can give more skin-smoothing results.

Retinols for acne

People with moderate or serious acne that doesn’t get better after using several treatment methods, can use retinol. When you apply retinol on the skin, they unclog pores, allowing other medicated creams and gels to work efficiently.

They also help to decrease outbreaks of acne by impeding the clogging of dead cells. The formation of cane scars can reduce. You can also use retinol to treat oil production, bacteria that cause acne and inflammation.