
Is Eczema Genetics?

Genes Responsible for the Immune System Function

Eczema is a skin condition, which makes it easily traceable to the immune system, so that it is unable to fight off certain infections that may be responsible for it. There are several immune genes that are associated with the onset of eczema. Some of these genes include interleukin (IL) 4, 5, and 13. [3]

An old 2008 research review showed that these genes promote allergic inflammation. They also affect the health of the epidermis and the effectiveness of the immune system’s response to pathogens.

Other Causes of Eczema Asides Genetics

Genetics is not the only possible cause of eczema, there are several other potential causes that are associated with developing eczema. In some cases, it may be a combination of several causes, rather than just one cause, which increases your chances of developing the condition.

Factors that increases your risk of eczema include:

  • Being exposed as an infant to maternal cigarette smoking and smoking within the household. This is because at this stage the immune system is not strong enough to fight possible reactions.
  • High level of maternal psychological stress during gestation
  • When one’s immune system is overactive
  • Having a certain endocrine disorder such as thyroid disease [4]
  • When there is a dysfunction with the skin barrier, caused by factors such as immune system dysregulation
  • Having severe or chronic dry skin

In addition to this, it is important to note that a more possible cause is the stress of enduring discrimination, racism and other racist system that one may experience. These can also contribute to developing the condition.