
Types and Treatments for Skin Rash

Eczema and Allergies

Eczema rash is an inflammation of the skin that causes dryness and itchiness. There are various types of eczema and this type has serious symptoms compared to others.

Note that what you are allergic to may not be irritating to someone else. There are different types of allergic reactions and new ones are still being discovered daily. Here is a list of known allergens that are found in most of our products:

  • This is a chemical element that is found in jewelry, belt buckles, zippers, and other metal products.
  • Perfumes and body sprays containing allergens as one or more of the ingredients.
  • Antibiotic creams can be allergic to some people
  • Although less than one percent of the American population have latex allergies, this is also a serious condition.
  • Poison ivy, oak, or sumac are common plants that have a high allergen rate.

Some effective treatment [4] methods can help to soothe irritated skin. Here are eight skin rash treatments.