
Types and Treatments for Skin Rash

Avoid Sweating and Overheating and Often Moisturize

Excess exposure to sunlight can cause your body to overheat and can lead to a breakout of rash. This condition is called heat rash and it develops when some of your sweat ducts clog. Instead of your sweat evaporates, it gets trapped beneath the skin, causing inflammation or swelling, and rash.

Moisturizing often can keep skin rash at bay because it helps alleviate symptoms of skin rash. Regular use of moisturizers can reduce the itching, reduce swelling, and speed up the healing process. Studies have shown that Vaseline can help relieve symptoms associated with skin rash: Cetaphil, a soap-free cleanser can also help with this condition because it is free of the common irritants in soaps and lotions.