
Varicella Zoster Virus – an Overview

Difference between Chickenpox and Smallpox

Both smallpox [1] and chickenpox cause skin rashes, yet they are two distinct diseases. One reason is that smallpox is a far more deadly illness that can be fatal. They are brought on by many viruses.

Even while the two diseases both cause rashes, the rashes themselves appear differently and develop at different times. As opposed to the chickenpox rash, which appears in waves, smallpox pustules are identical to one another. The individual spots don’t all have the same appearance, and while some blister, others form scabs.

There is yet another significant distinction. Smallpox has been eradicated (wiped out) thanks to a large global vaccination campaign.

Symptoms of Chickenpox

Signs of chickenpox are easy to see. Healthcare providers often can look at a child’s skin and know if he or she has chickenpox. Signs of chickenpox usually happen in the following order:

  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Feeling tired
  • A skin rash that is very itchy and looks like many small blisters
  • A stomach ache that lasts for one or two days.
  • Bumps filled with a liquid that looks like milky water.
  • Skin that looks blotchy
  • Scabs after the blisters break.
  • Spots that fade away.