
Does Birth Control Help With PMS and PMDD or Make It Worse?

How Can You Relieve or Improve Symptoms?

Your doctor will recommend many things to treat your symptoms. It may be challenging to treat PMS completely, but you can easily manage the symptoms. Experts say symptoms can be managed with lifestyle changes and OTC drugs.

You can use one or more of these methods to improve the symptoms of PMS and PMDD.

  • Eat a balanced diet: It is okay to crave sweets and salty snacks. But you must regularly consume hydrating fluids and whole foods two weeks before your period starts. Reduce your consumption of salt, sugar, caffeine and starchy carbs to make you less susceptible to a bloated stomach. Sticking to this diet will help boost your mood, sleep quality and energy level.
  • Get 7 to 8 hours of sleep: Adequate sleep helps reduce PMS-induced fatigue. Experts say adequate sleep can positively affect your anxiety and depression levels. It is important to note that lack of sleep can worsen PMS symptoms and anxiety.
  • Take supplements: Your healthcare provider will recommend supplements to improve cramps, cravings, and mood instability. Examples are Vitamin B6, magnesium, folic acid, and calcium.
  • Engage in frequent exercise: This may seem complicated because of the pain and discomfort you feel. But regular exercise may be the best thing you can do to help with the symptoms. It mainly improves your sleep and mood. It also aids water retention and digestion and reduces cramps. According to research, regular exercise can also boost your libido.
  • Take an over-the-counter pain reliever: Drugs, such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen, [2] and aspirin [3] can reduce cramps, muscle aches, and headaches.
  • Drink sufficient water: It would help to know that drinking more water can help with bloating [4] and fluid retention. Are you struggling with dehydration? You should drink more water. It also helps relieve headaches.
  • Reduce or quit smoking: If you use hormonal birth control pills, you must avoid smoking. It can exacerbate the symptoms of PMS and PMDD. You can also talk with your healthcare provider for tips on quitting smoking.