
Is Your Baby Overheating? Signs, Tips and Prevention

How to Cool down Your Baby

The following things can be done to cool down your baby at home:

  • Take your baby to a cooler space in your home.
  • Avoid excess layers of clothing and replace with loose-fitting, dry clothing.
  • Give your baby a tepid or lukewarm bath, or put a cool washcloth on their skin.
  • Breastfeed or give your baby extra formula feeds for hydration.
  • You must always monitor your child’s temperature and observe other signs of more severe heat-related disease that may warrant medical attention.

Risks of Overheating

Overheating can lead to other health issues that require prompt attention. A common risk factor is loss of sleep which is caused by discomfort.

Some risks of overheating include:

  • Heat rash: It is also known as prickly heat, this rash is mostly seen in overheated babies. It appears as a small red bump in the baby’s skin folds, close to the neck and on their butts.
  • Heat exhaustion or heat stroke: This is characterized by sweating heavily, rapid or weak pulse or hot or cold clammy skin. Heat exhaustion and heat stroke [4] should be urgently treated
  • Dehydration: An increase in body temperature might cause sweating and loss of fluids or electrolytes which causes dehydration. [5] Symptoms are absence of tears, decrease in wet diapers, and lethargy.
  • Infant sleep deat: You need to make sure your baby is dressed comfortably for sleep. Many layers of clothing, swaddles or blankets may increase your baby’s body temperature and make them susceptible to infant sleep death.