
What to Know About Laser Treatment for Melasma

Types of laser used

According to a research review from 2012 [2], there are different kinds of lasers that can be used to cure melasma.


In order to stimulate the formation of fresh, healthy skin cells, fractional laser resurfacing, also referred to by the brand name Fraxel, creates microscopic holes in your skin. Topical anesthetic is typically administered prior to the surgery because there is a prickling feeling involved.

Immediately after, your skin seems red, discolored, or raw. Your skin will appear brighter and more even after 3 to 5 days of rest.

Intense Pulsed Light laser (IPL)

Targeting specific skin hues with an IPL involves using multispectrum lights with various wavelengths. It’s critical to speak with a dermatologist before beginning therapy because this procedure may in fact exacerbate melasma in some skin tones.