
Best Room Temperature and Humidity Levels for Asthma

How do you protect yourself from extreme weather conditions?

There are certain tips that help reduce your risk of asthma symptoms if you stay in a very hot and humid, or very cold environment. Some of these steps include:

  • Stay inside when the air quality is poor: You can observe the level of pollution [3] and pollen in your local environment. Do not go outside when the levels are high to avoid getting triggered.
  • Follow your treatment plan: You’re more prone to symptoms if you don’t follow your treatment plan. Contact your healthcare provider to create a treatment plan to help manage your asthma.
  • Wear a face mask or scarf: Cover your nose and mouth with a scarf when the weather is cold to humidify the air you breathe in.
  • Carry your rescue inhaler: Always be with your rescue inhaler in case you experience a flare up when you’re outside.
  • Keep warm in cold weather: When the weather is cold, make sure you stay warm by wearing a scarf, hat, and gloves.