
Bulging Disk: 10 Tips for Relief

What are the causes of a bulging disc?

The primary purpose of spinal discs is to absorb the wear and tear that is exerted on the spine. The disc weakens and starts to degenerate after some years. Studies show that the most common location for bulging discs is between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae. This is because this region absorbs the impact of bearing the weight of the upper body. The lower back also plays a significant role in maintaining the body’s movements throughout the day. The lower back facilitates the performance of certain activities such as lifting, bending, and twisting of the torso.

While various factors contribute to the development of a bulging disc, studies show that degenerative disc disease [2] is the most common cause. Other factors that contribute to the development of the condition include:

  • Poor posture
  • Inactivity
  • Strain or injury
  • Obesity [3]
  • Smoking