
Common Treatments for A Meniscus Tear


RICE [2] is an acronym for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. It is a simple treatment protocol recommended for dealing with sporting injuries. It can help relieve the symptoms of meniscus tears that aren’t severe enough to require surgery.

You should rest your injured knee for at least two days following the injury. Avoid movements that can put pressure on your injured knee or worsen it.

Ice can help reduce pain and inflammation around the injury. Wrap some ice in a towel or washcloth and hold it around the knee for 15 to 20 minutes multiple times during the first two days. You should never apply ice directly on your skin as it can damage it.

Compression means wrapping the injured area to hold it in place and prevent swelling. You can do this with an elastic medical bandage.

Elevating your legs above your heart level for a few minutes every day can reduce swelling and pain.