
Signs And Symptoms of Scoliosis


Sore joints and bones are common in patients. It can be a dull ache in the back or sharp pain in the legs, known as sciatica. The pain can radiate to other body parts and is the most serious of all the symptoms. The severity of pain differs in patients and can be mild or worse based on lifestyle practices. Age is a common factor that determines the degree of scoliosis-related pain. An ice pack or a hot pack on the affected area can provide temporary relief and prevent it from worsening. A cold or warm towel can be used to replace ice packs or hot packs. Heat and ice are extreme temperatures that help your muscles relax and stimulate blood flow. It reduces strain on the joints and loosens tight muscles, reducing pain.

Organ Damage

Severe scoliosis that has curved fifty to eighty degrees or more can cause serious health complications like organ damage or failure. Scoliosis does not only affect the spine, but can alter the rib cage or hinder the normal functioning of the heart, lungs, and other internal organs. If left untreated, this condition can worsen and have severe and life-long complications. The reason for this is that extreme curvature can cause the spine to rotate, which can reduce lung capacity and trigger heart problems.