
6 Signs And Symptoms of Bladder Cancer

Blood in the Urine

Urine is supposed to be clear and transparent. While it may sometimes develop a yellow tint due to dehydration, red or deep brown urine is abnormal and may be a sign that there is blood in the urine. Also called hematuria, blood in the urine is a symptom of many urinogenital health problems. It may be a sign that you have bladder cancer.

The blood is not always noticeable. Small amounts of blood in the urine may not cause any color change and may only be observable under a microscope or discovered during a urinalysis. Bloody urine is often painless and may come and go. [4] Incidences may be separated by as long as a few weeks or months. [5] Some women may wrongly attribute this symptom to menstruation.

Other medical conditions such as kidney disease and some STDs may cause blood in the urine. Regardless of the underlying cause, blood in the urine should be taken seriously. You should see a doctor if you ever notice blood in your urine.