
Tumor, Nodes, Metastasis (TNM) Staging System for Lung Cancer

TNM System

The tumor, node, and metastasis system is a popular system used by doctors around the world to determine the total lung cancer stage. Your doctor will measure these factors and mark them with a number or an “X” if a measurement cannot be taken. The symbols may appear different for every type of cancer, but this is what it usually means.

  • Tumor (T): “T” is usually marked by a number from 0-4. It tells you how big the tumor is and in some cases, where it’s located. If the reading says T0, it means there is no observable tumor. The larger the number, the bigger the tumor.
  • Node (N): “N” is marked by a number from 0-3. It tells you if the lymph nodes have been affected by lung cancer. Lymph nodes are glands that remove bacteria and viruses from the body to prevent infections. N0 means the lymph nodes are safe. If the number is higher, it means your lung cancer is in more lymph nodes and is far away from the original site.
  • Metastasis (M): “M” is marked by either 0 or 1. It tells you if your lung cancer [1] has spread to organs and tissues in other areas of your body. A 0 implies it has not, while a 1 implies it has gotten to other parts of the body.