
Ulcerative Colitis Diagnosis and Testing

Other Tests to Support the Diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis

To rule out other conditions, a doctor will likely perform additional tests in addition to an endoscopy and a tissue sample.

Blood Test for Ulcerative Colitis

Anemia [2] or an illness may be ruled out by a blood test. Red blood cell counts that are too low result in anemia. A blood test can also assist a physician in searching for indicators that indicate whether your body is experiencing inflammation, which could be an indication of ulcerative colitis.

Test on Stool Samples

A specialist will take a sample of your stool during a stool sample, also known as a stool culture. To determine whether you have gastroenteritis, the sample will be sent to a facility for analysis.

A stomach and intestine illness known as gastroenteritis [3] occasionally mimics the symptoms of ulcerative colitis. A bacterial, viral, or parasitic illness may be to blame.