
What Is Cystic Fibrosis? 9 Symptoms to Be Aware of

Respiratory Symptoms

  1. Cough and wheezing: Initially, intermittent cough is present, worsening at night and on waking, and may be accompanied by wheezing in childhood; over time, the cough increases, it becomes more frequent and purulent, with thick and greenish sputum. [3]
  2. Shortness of breath: The accumulation of mucus in the paranasal sinuses can cause headaches, chronic sinusitis, and nasal polyps, which causes increased breathing difficulties.
  3. Recurrent pneumonia: Recurrent pneumonia is when a child or patient has the incidence of pneumonia more than one or three times in the same year. It is one of the common respiratory symptoms of cystic fibrosis. This pneumonia usually arises due to impaired or ineffective mucociliary clearing, even with a cough. [4]