
Type 2 Diabetes – Symptoms, Causes, Risk Factors, Prevention and More


In order to prevent this diabetic condition, there are certain precautions that should be taken;

  • Physical activities such as aerobic exercises [3] help to increase the insulin sensitivity of the cells. It is advised that exercising at least three times a week helps to keep the body active and helps prevent diabetes.
  • Making water your preferred choice of drink helps to reduce the intake of high sugar beverages such as soda and sweetened fruit juice. Water helps to manage blood sugar and insulin level and keeps diabetes at bay.
  • Reduce the intake of highly processed foods and take more whole Processed foods contain chemicals, unhealthy fats and sugar that are harmful to the health and can cause diabetes.
  • Avoid sedentary behaviors like sitting for too long. After a while of sitting, take time to walk around and burn extra fat in the body.
  • Eat food rich in fiber such as whole fruits, sweet potatoes, beans, and non-starchy
  • Quit smoking.