
What Are the Main Causes and Risk Factors of Gout?

Decreased Excretion of Uric Acid

This is the commonest cause of gout. It refers to the inadequate removal of excessive Urate from the body by the kidneys. It results in the accumulation of Urate in the blood. This happens when there is kidney disease or any condition that affects kidney function (for example; High blood pressure and Diabetes).

Increased Production of Uric Acid

Another cause of gout is an increase in the production of Urate that exceeds the rate of excretion of the substance from the body. Sometimes, the cause of excessive production remains unknown. In other cases, it is caused by certain disease conditions like leukemia, lymphoma, psoriasis, hemolytic anemia.

It can also be caused by enzyme abnormalities or maybe as a result of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, obesity, and genetic abnormalities.