
Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) Treatment Options

Medication for Preventing Blood Clot

Atrial Fibrillation can cause a blood clot and blood clot increases the risk of stroke. Stroke is a very severe health condition, so you should visit your doctor the soonest time possible. To reduce the risk of clot-forming and to cause a stroke, your doctor would prescribe medications that help in blood-thinning (anticoagulants). Some of the drugs that can be prescribed to attack blood clotting include specifically

  • Dabigatran [3]
  • Apixaban
  • Edoxaban[4]
  • Rivaroxaban[5]

These medications are common anticoagulants that the doctor may prescribe. The doctor would also ensure to assess your risk of bleeding before taking the drugs and while you are taking them. Another type of anticoagulant that the doctor may prescribe to prevent stroke is warfarin. Warfarin is a potent medication that stops blood clotting. However, it is essential to strictly follow the doctor’s prescription and instructions to avoid complications.