
Heart Murmur: Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

Types and Symptoms of Heart Murmurs

Heart murmurs are classified into groups based on when they occur during a heartbeat:

  • Systolic: This type of heart murmur occurs when your heart muscle contracts (tightens).
  • Diastolic: When your heart muscle relaxes, you may hear a murmur.
  • Continuous: When your heart muscle is contracting or relaxing, you may hear a continuous heart murmur.

Continuous and diastolic murmurs are more frequently associated with heart disease. However, every heart murmur needs to be examined.

A heart murmur is not audible to the ear. To hear the noises loud enough, you need a stethoscope.

Healthcare professionals categorize murmurs based on how loud or severe they are. They rate the murmur on a scale of 1 (barely audible even with a stethoscope) to 6 (clearly audible even when the stethoscope isn’t pressed against your skin).

Some heart murmurs are found during a normal medical examination even if they have no symptoms at all. However, based on what’s producing the murmur, you can notice signs like:

  • pale skin
  • cough that just won’t stop
  • a racing heart
  • your chest can hurt or feel constricted
  • respiration difficulty
  • weakness or syncope.