
How to Stop Heart Palpitations?

Restore Electrolyte Balance

Electrolytes have many critical functions in your body. They help control electrical signals throughout your body and play a role in how your heart beats and functions generally. This is because your heartbeats are controlled by electrical impulses. If something upsets the electrolyte balance in your body, symptoms that you may experience sometimes include heart palpitations. Taking in electrolytes to make up for what is lost is a good way to stop heart palpitations.[2]

You can get electrolytes from many sources. The best way is to get it from your diet. Potassium can be found in high amounts in foods like bananas, avocados, spinach, and sweet potatoes. Vegetables and dairy products are a great source of calcium and magnesium. Sodium is often present in high amounts from most foods, particularly those that have been processed.

Most people get all the electrolytes they need from natural food sources. If you are considering using supplements, you should first speak to your doctor. Also, balancing electrolytes does not always mean consuming more. Too much can also cause problems. If you have heart palpitations frequently and suspect your electrolyte balance is messed up, you should consider doing a test to evaluate your electrolyte levels.