
Umbilical Hernia Symptoms


The pain felt from a severe case of umbilical hernia may be accompanied by vomiting. This pain disrupts the stomach of the child or the pain results in a rise in temperature that makes the child vomit. It can also happen in adults. The pain sends a nauseating feeling that makes them throw up. When umbilical hernia expresses symptoms like pain and vomiting, it is severe. There is a need for urgent medical attention to avoid more complications.

When umbilical hernia is severe, there is a need for medical examination. The doctors start by a physical examination which is then followed by x-ray tests. The physical examination is to the end that the doctor ascertains if the intestine can be pushed into the abdominal cavity or it is trapped within the hernia cavity. When the intestine is trapped in the abdominal cavity, it becomes a serious complication. This is because the trapped part of the intestine would be excluded from blood and nutrient supply in the body, which means a potential damage to tissues in the body.

In light of a severe umbilical hernia condition, x-rays are done to examine the nature of complication. Afterwards, a surgery would be performed to restore/repair the umbilical cord. You need not worry, this surgery would elapse a short time. It’s simply about pushing the hernia back inside, and strengthening the abdominal cavity walls.

All infants are at risk of umbilical hernia. The risk is higher for children that are obese, the pressure on their abdominal walls is higher. Compared with children with normal weight, obese children are likely to have more pressure that pushes out the hernia out of the abdominal cavity. Nevertheless, not all obese kids would have umbilical hernia. Mothers with multiple pregnancies are also at risk because of the recurrent pressures on their abdominal wall resulting from carrying more than one child at a time in their womb. People with cough are also at risk of umbilical hernia especially when they have cough for a long time. Coughing puts pressure on the abdominal wall layers. This means the likelihood of hernia jumping out of place is high in children/adults with an abdominal wall that isn’t closed properly.