
Symptoms, Treatments, and Complications for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Psychological Therapies

Some mental health therapies have been found to be useful in treating irritable bowel syndrome, and some of them are;

  1. Relaxation trainings which help to reduce stress, relax body muscles and prevent stress-induced symptoms of IBS.
  2. Gut hypnotherapy which uses hypnosis to place the patient in a relaxed state so as to improve the symptoms.
  3. Cognitive behavioral therapy which improves the mental wellbeing of the patient and helps the patient develop better ways of dealing with the symptoms.

In people with mild cases, simple medications, and significant life changes would be enough to relieve pain, improve bowel habit and help them live their normal lives.

Irritable bowel syndrome doesn’t increase the risks of developing serious colon conditions like ulcerative colitis or colon cancer, but the significant changes it makes to normal daily activities and lifestyle can be very discomforting.

Irritable bowel syndrome can be managed so that the patient can stay comfortable and participate in their normal daily activities.