
Symptoms and Complications of Bacterial Pneumonia

Chest Pain

Chest pain [4] is not something that ought to be overlooked. But you must know that there are many potential reasons for it. It’s associated with the heart in many instances. Yet chest pain can be caused by problems in your lungs as well. Lung infections such as, pneumonia, can lead to pleuritic and other forms of chest pain (such as deep chest pain.) Pain most times get worse when you cough, sneeze or even breathe hard. In serious situations this pain can radiate to the back or the shoulder.

Lack of Appetite

The body gives a kind of signal to the gastrointestinal tract so that it does not waste energy on digesting food. After all, these forces are needed to fight the disease. Especially with pneumonia, you do not want to eat heavy foods (meat, mushrooms, and legumes).

Shortness of Breath

For the lungs to work at their best [5], when you breathe in and out, the air passage ways need to be clear. Swelling (from inflammatory response) and mucus may make airflow through the respiratory tract more difficult, making it more difficult to breathe. This leads to shortness of breath, breathing problems, and feeling more exhausted than usual.