
Can Too Much Sleep Cause Depression?

What Else May Be Occurring?

Even while it’s common to feel a little depressed or “blah” after sleeping in, depression is not always the cause of these feelings.

Clinical depression [4] results in persistent mood changes that manifest in numerous aspects of life. You may observe:

  • alterations to your usual energy levels
  • loss of interest in the activities you typically like
  • persistent melancholy or hopelessness

These symptoms typically remain very consistent. On the other side, if you sleep too much, you could feel down, but gradually you’ll feel better.

Why then do you feel so lost? Here are a few explanations that might apply.

Your regular sleep-wake cycle is disrupted by oversleeping.

Your circadian rhythm, or regular cycle of sleep and wakefulness, might be disrupted if you don’t receive enough sleep. By telling your body when it is time to sleep or wake up, your internal biological clock helps manage your level of daily alertness, energy, and tiredness, as well as your level of sleepiness at night.

The cells that send these signals might become confused by too little or too much sleep, leaving your body unsure of how to react. Should you feel invigorated when you awaken? Or is getting more rest the solution?

As a result, you can feel sleepy and weary when you get up, or you might feel like going to bed right away. Even when you aim for the ideal amount of sleep, over time, an irregular sleep-wake cycle might make it challenging to receive the rest you require.