Ocular migraines (also called retinal migraines) [1] are a rare type of condition that can result in temporary vision loss in one eye [2]. This may happen after or co-occur with migraine headache. The vision loss usually lasts less than an hour. Headache associated with ocular migraines usually concentrates on one side of the head.
Normal migraines can also result in vision problems. These vision problems often involve flashing lights and blind spots that last less than 30 minutes. Vision spells associated with normal migraines are called auras and normally affect both eyes. This is different from ocular migraines [3], but some people use the term “ocular migraine” to also describe this condition.
The precise causes of ocular migraines are not known. Experts believe they may be linked [4] to changes that spread across retina nerve cells, reduced blood flow or spasms in the blood vessels of the retina.
How do you know if you’re experiencing ocular migraines? The list of symptoms below can help you narrow it down a bit. You still need to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis. When diagnosing ocular migraines, doctors try to rule out other conditions that can cause similar problems.