
The MS Hug: Symptoms, Triggers, Treatments & More

What are the features of an MS hug?

The characteristics of an MS Hug may be different for everyone. However, it mostly feels like getting something wrapped tightly around the upper part of your body.

According to experts, the most popular feature of an MS hug is the presence of pressure on the chest, abdomen, or torso. In some cases, symptoms may also appear in the feet and hands. You may feel tightness in your hands, and legs. The tightness can also be felt in the head, arms, and legs. Some people may feel tightness on one side of their body.

If you have multiple sclerosis, you may experience an MS hug in different modes, including burning, crushing, squeezing, and tickling. Some people may experience severe pain and breathing problems. Other features of an MS hug include:

  • It may feel better when wearing a loose clothing
  • It may give you a sharp or dull pressure sensation
  • It can be sporadic, chronic, or temporary
  • Feel better when using heat or cold

According to experts, people with an MS hug may also experience the following:

  • Numbness or tingling
  • Muscle weakness or stiffness
  • Vision problems
  • Tiredness
  • Difficulty walking

People with MS hug may also experience other issues such as depression, tremors, and bowel changes. In some cases, people with multiple sclerosis may also experience swelling, fatigue, shaking, and shortness of breath. It would help to visit your doctor if you start experiencing any strange symptoms.