
10 Signs You May Be Suffering from Nerve Pain

You Feel Pain Running on Just One Leg or Get Easily Injured Because You Didn’t Feel Something You Should Have Felt

When you feel a severe pain, burning or tingling that starts in the lower back and goes down the back of your leg, it means you have sciatica. This occurs when the nerve that runs from the lower back to your hips and down your leg becomes compressed or damaged, either by a herniated disk in your spine or by a condition such as diabetes [4].

Sensory nerves work to send information to the brain that a surface could cause harm. If they are damaged, the ability to send information is disrupted. People with burns, cuts or other trauma because they did not know they were touching something hot, sharp or harmful should see a doctor immediately.

Nerve damage can cause numbness that stops you from feeling pain when it happens. People with nerve pains sustain injuries without knowing. You must check yourself regularly, especially the lower limb.