Panic attack is characterized by episodes of sudden and intense fear that triggers extreme physical reactions even when there’s no actual danger or immediate cause. Panic attack episodes can happen at any time, even during sleep. They’re however usually for a short time, lasting for less than 15minutes, although some symptoms may go on for a longer period of time. People who have experienced panic attacks are at a higher risk of having subsequent future attacks than those who have never had a panic attack. When the attacks happen repeatedly and consistently, with an increase in the number of episodes, then a person may have a condition called panic disorder.
Persons with panic disorders [1] are usually very anxious and fearful, and have no control or ability to know when the next episode will occur. Panic disorder is quite common as about 6 million adults in the US are affected [2]. Fortunately, panic attacks and disorders are treatable. There are medications and psychotherapy [3] that are used either singularly or as a combination, to successfully treat and curb panic attacks and disorders.
Panic attacks usually begin without any warning. They can happen at any time and anywhere; at school, while you’re at work, at the gym, while shopping at the mall with friends and even when you’re sound asleep. Attacks may occur frequently or occasionally. The attacks usually happen in a lot of variations but the symptoms usually subsides after a few minutes. After a panic attack subsides, you may feel very tired and worn out. The symptoms of panic attack include the following:
Dizziness or lightheadedness
Dizziness is a feeling or sensation of being woozy, lightheaded or unbalanced. It usually affects the ears and the eyes which are the sensory organs. Dizziness causes you to feel faint and unsteady. There’s also a false sense of spinning or feeling like you’re swimming or floating. In some cases, it might be accompanied by nausea, fainting or vomiting.