
Mad Hatter Disease (Erethism) – What You Need to Know 

Causes of Mad Hatter Sickness

Long-term mercury exposure is the cause of mad hatter sickness. Depending on the type of mercury, different exposure techniques are used:

  • Elemental mercury: Dental offices, smelting sites, and mining operations are examples of workplaces where it is possible to breathe in elemental mercury vapors. Elements of mercury can also be found in thermometers and fluorescent lighting.
  • Inorganic mercury: As a preservative, inorganic mercury is added to cosmetics, skin care items, and medications. Mercury exposure can occur through inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact.
  • Organic mercury: Eating fish and shellfish that contain methylmercury is a typical way for people to become exposed to organic mercury.

Hatters were especially exposed to the inorganic mercury compound mercuric nitrate. On the other hand, neurological symptoms brought on by persistent mercury poisoning generally may be referred to as having “mad hatter disease.”