
What Causes Prostate Cancer?

Acquired Gene Mutations

This is the second way in which DNA changes can occur. Some genes can mutate during one’s lifetime; these particular types of changes are found in cells that come from the original mutated cell. They are referred to as acquired mutations. These acquired mutations are also highly responsible for most cases of prostate cancer.

The most common revenue through which these mutations occur is when a cell prepares to divide into two new cells. The process may not be perfect, and sometimes error occurs, leaving defective DNA in the new cell. If this happens, it’s only a matter of how quickly the prostate cell grows and divides before the mutation develops, which explains that anything that speeds up the process of the growth of the prostate cell increases the risk factor of prostate cancer.

Also, exposure to radiation or chemicals that causes cancer can lead to DNA mutation in organs in the body. However, this factor has not been proven to be important cause of mutation in prostate cells.


Prostate cancer can be life-threatening. In order to avoid complications, it is best for you to make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you observe any persistent signs or symptoms.