
Ringworm Symptoms by Location

Groin (Tinea Cruris) & Nails (Tinea Unguium)

This ringworm infection is called jock itch. This is possibly because it affects the groins of more young men [5] than women and is often very itchy. Jock itch is marked by scaly, itchy red spots with a raised, bumpy border. The skin may flake and peel. The first sign is a swollen red rash that appears at the crease of the groin. Gradually, the rash spreads to the inner skin folds of the thigh, buttocks and waist. The rash may appear brown or gray on dark skin.

Also called dermatophytic onychomycosis or tinea unguium, this ringworm infection affects the nails. It is more common in the toenails than fingernails. Because of its location, it is not so easy to identify as a ringworm infection. It usually affects people with long-term athlete’s foot.

Signs include nail discoloration and thickening. Thickening of tissue under the nail is the first sign. Eventually, the thickened nails might detach from the nail bed. People with nail ringworm may have crumbling or disappearing nails.