
Acupuncture for Acne: Does It Work?

To Treat Psoriasis

For those with psoriasis, acupuncture may help lessen their pain, itching, swelling, and redness.

The treatment of psoriasis using acupuncture and acupressure, according to a 2016 study [7], may be effective. Further thorough investigations that adhere to strict methodology are still required.

De la Torre asserts that psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder that causes heat, dryness, and stagnation on the skin’s surface. “To deal with this, [an acupuncturist] would be removing heat from the body and bringing it back into balance. We strive to lessen the most obvious signs and symptoms in the area, such as itching, irritation, and visible lesion spread.

Acupuncture points are used to treat psoriasis, including regional sites near psoriasis plaques in a process known as “surrounding the dragon,” according to Kempisty.