
Sallow Skin – What It Is, Causes, Treatments and More

Smoking, Lack of Adequate Sleep or Improper Care of the Skin

Smoking has been confirmed to be detrimental to the health and skin. Smoking increases aging rate by reducing the production of collagen in the body. Collagen [2] is responsible for skin tightening. Smoking also reduces the amount of oxygen that gets to the body and this causes the skin to dry out, become wrinkled and eventually become sallow.

The skin undergoes restoration and repairs of lost or damaged skin during sleep. Lack of proper night rest for at least 6-8 hours will disrupt this rejuvenation process of the skin, thereby, resulting in a pale and dull skin.

Skin may become dull from the use of inappropriate makeup to the face, lack of proper hygiene, going out without the use of a sunscreen and many more.