
10 Causes of Upper Stomach Pain and When to See a Doctor


Gas is a common cause of upper stomach pain. It usually occurs naturally in the digestive and intestinal tracts. The accumulation of gas may result in feelings of fullness, bloating, or pressure. Upper stomach pain caused by gas may worsen if you have an infection, constipation, [1] diarrhea, [2] and virus.

If your upper stomach pain is caused by gas, you will notice the following signs:

  • the pain appears in waves
  • the pain causes the stomach to swell
  • it feels like something is moving in the stomach
  • you feel burping or passing gas
  • you have diarrhea or constipation

In most cases, gas pain is usually not serious. You may take over-the-counter (OTC) drugs to treat the pain. Your healthcare provider may also advise you not to rush while eating. This will stop you from swallowing air and prevent the exacerbation of gas. Gas may leave within a few hours without any treatment. Contact your doctor if your gas is accompanied by fever, uncontrolled vomiting or severe pain.