
Common Foods To Avoid Acid Reflux

Some Common Illnesses Trigger Reflux

Overweight or obese people are at a significantly high risk of suffering from GERD. The excess fat presses against the stomach, causing the gastric juices to backflow into the food pipe. Obesity is known as the leading cause of acid reflux.

Esophagitis is a condition caused by the inflammation or irritation of the esophagus. When the food pipe gets inflamed, reflux is bound to happen frequently.

Hiatal hernia is not a direct cause of acid reflux, but it increases the risk of food flowing back into the esophagus. Other symptoms of this hiatal hernia are coughing, and vomiting can also increase abdominal pressure, triggering acid reflux.

A peptic ulcer is when you have a high amount of stomach acids in the stomach. Ulcer patients often complain about a burning sensation or sharp pain in the stomach or chest. The overproduction of stomach acids allows a backflow into the esophagus, causing frequent heartburns.

Asthma patients often complain about the symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease, but there has been no direct link between the two. An asthmatic person who is also suffering from GERD is likely to experience severe symptoms.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) places you at a high risk of developing GERD. It causes difficulty swallowing, which can cause spasms in the esophagus, leading to a reflux. [2]