
Can Homeopathy Help with Migraine?

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy is a complementary medicine that dates back more than 200 years. It is predicated on the notion that a chemical may be able to treat the same symptoms it produces. The phrase “like cures like” describes this idea.

The belief is also held that diluting substances increases their potency. Homeopathic medicines are created by diluting a variety of chemicals in the water.

While been used for centuries, homeopathy is not a substitute for traditional medicine. Homeopathy should not be used to treat serious conditions, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) [2].

There are different substances used in homeopathy, they usually come from:

  • Animals
  • Minerals
  • Plants

Examples of such substances include:

  • ignatia amara (comes from the seeds of the St. Ignatius bean tree)
  • pulsatilla (plant)
  • gelsemium (plant)
  • natrum muriaticum (minerals)
  • lycopodium clavatum (plant)
  • atropa belladonna (plant)
  • kalium phosphoricum (minerals)

These substances may also be used in homeopathy to treat and prevent migraine.