
What Is an EKG Heart Test and What Does It Measure?

Who Needs to Get an EKG Heart Test and What Does an EKG Test Analyze?

An EKG is a vital clinical device that helps analyze activities in your heart. In most cases, it is usually ordered when you show symptoms of heart disorders, such as heartbeats, shortness of breath, dizziness or fatigue [1], unstable heartbeats, and chest pain [2]. It is also ordered if your doctor notices any sign of congestive heart failure and coronary artery disease. An EKG test plays a significant role in preventing a heart attack or failure.

An EKG test is mostly used to analyze and record electrical signals in the heart. It is a basic test that provides vital information about the state and function of the heart. You can check your heart rate and the state of your heart muscles via an EKG test.

An EKG test can also be used to confirm the presence of certain heart disorders. It helps your healthcare provider make the right decision. With an effective EKG, you can check that your heart is working well.  Here are some vital information an EKG test can tell you about your heart: