
What Is the BRCA Genetic Test?

Who Needs to Have a BRCA Gene Test?

People who are most likely to have a gene mutation due to a personal or family history of cancer are advised to undergo BRCA gene testing. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [7] advises that you think about obtaining the BRCA test if you:

  • have a personal history of fallopian tube cancer, primary peritoneal cancer, breast cancer, or ovarian cancer
  • have ovarian cancer or breast cancer in your family history
  • have a history of breast or ovarian cancer in your family and are Ashkenazi Jewish or of Eastern European descent.
  • have a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation history in your family

Certain persons are more likely to have inherited BRCA gene mutation than others, notably those with a family history that includes oneself or a relative with:

  • breast cancer, especially a male
  • ovarian cancer
  • both ovarian cancer and breast cancer
  • breast cancer in both breast
  • a confirmed BRCA mutation

Consult a doctor about genetic counseling if you’re worried that your family history may indicate an elevated risk of breast or ovarian cancer.