
10 Tips for Cleaning an Ear Piercing

How Long Does It Take for an Ear Piercing to Heal?

According to studies, earlobe piercings are usually the fastest to heal. It usually takes about 1 to 2 months for it to fully heal. Cartilage piercing on other parts of the ear usually takes longer to heal. It may take up to 6 months or 1 year for a tragus or helix piercing to heal. [6] Do not take your jewelry out for a long period when your piercing is still healing. This may cause the hole to close or tighten up.

When Is the Best Time to Take out Your Jewelry?

The best time to take out your jewelry depends on how fast your piercing heals and the type of piercing you have. This is different for everyone. If you don’t know if you’re ready to take out your jewelry, you can ask your piercer a month or two months after getting your piercer. Your piercer will examine the area and tell you when it is best to remove the jewelry.